I’m Lindsay—and the most important thing about me has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with the God who created us, loves us, and desires a relationship with us. The Good News that I am forgiven and free because of Jesus Christ is my entire reason for living.

I live this life alongside my incredible husband, Ben, who serves in the U.S. Coast Guard, and we have two children together: Lucy and Lincoln. Our puppy Fletcher and cat Beedo keep things interesting, too. We live a pretty transient life because of the military, but right now we call Florida home.

I have a BFA in creative and professional writing and have worked as a newspaper reporter, bookstore clerk, and elementary school teacher. Now I have the privilege of being a work-at-home mom. God has used these years of being at home with my kids to refine me in a major way, and I am so grateful to grow as they grow. Last year, the door to my dream job opened unexpectedly and now I am overjoyed to serve on the editorial staff of Deeply Rooted Magazine.

When I’m not making grocery lists, building forts, potty training, reading Goodnight Moon aloud, or proofreading, writing, formatting blog posts and brainstorming ideas for the magazine, I am usually reading, studying my Bible, working on my poor time management skills, dating my husband, or playing the drums on my church’s music team.

This blog is often neglected but it always welcomes me back when I’m overflowing with words, and I’m so thankful to everyone who takes the time to read what I share.

All glory to God!


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